Choose New Albin Savings bank for your Agricultural Real Estate or Farm Operating & Equipment loan. We handle all of our loans in-house to get you the best rates and one-on-one customer service.
Going local has its benefits. We offer Ag Real Estate Loans with fixed rates and no prepayment penalties, giving you flexibility during the repayment process. Call today to inquire and one of our Ag Loan Officers will help answer all your loan questions.
Agricultural Real Estate
Rate | |
20 year amortization with 5 year balloon payment** |
6.75% |
Terms over 5 years up to 10 years full amortization |
6.95% |
15 year term fixed rate | 7.25% |
Agricultural and Commercial Loans
(non-real estate)
Rate | |
With terms up to one year | 7.50% |
Terms over one year up to 5 years full amortization |
7.50% |
**Balloon payment is a payment where the remaining balance of the loan falls due in full. The New Albin Savings Bank typically offers to extend this balloon payment at the time it falls due at the then going rate and terms. However, the New Albin Savings Bank is not obligated to extend any balloon payment and may not offer to do so.
All rates are subject to change without notice.